Alpha Net maintains private cloud infrastructure at two Data centers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: ColoAsia & MetroSky. Alpha Net also maintains strategic partnership with two other Data Centers in Dhaka: ColoCity & Dhaka Colo. Each of these Data Centers feature fast BDIX Connectivity.
Direct Connectivity to Data Center core network. 99.999% up-time.
Fully redundant power system, with A/B dual PDU available in each rack.
Fully secure buildings with 24/7 security and access control systems.
Conditioned UPS power backed by Redundant dual generators. High ability of network connectivity.
Temperature and humidity are precisely regulated year-round to ensure optimal equipment reliability.
Whenever you are having any issue our expert support team is always there for you.
Alpha Net offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Order online or call us at 0206970277, 0206970388 with your questions.